Minor in Entrepreneurship


To add the Undergraduate Minor in Entrepreneurship to your academic plan, you must have Junior standing in the university, have declared a major and possess a GPA of 2.5 or better. Non-Business students and Business students can complete the Minor in Entrepreneurship. Students should contact businessadvising@csuohio.edu to have the Entrepreneurship Minor added to their academic plan.

Entrepreneurship Minor Requirements:

Non-Business students and Business students can earn the Minor in Entrepreneurship by completing 12 credit hours. Students completing the minor will be exposed to techniques of innovation and creativity, business plan development, new product development, venture creation and a practicum.

Core, Required Courses for the Minor (9 Credit Hours):
  • ENT 315 Principles of Innovation & Entrepreneurship - can be taken prior to Junior standing
  • ENT 443 Business Model Design
  • ENT 493 Entrepreneurial Strategy
Elective Courses for the Minor (3 Credit Hours): Any Business Elective

Any business course elective can be selected to complete the Minor in Entrepreneurship. Below are a few suggested courses:

  • FIN 374 Entrepreneurial Finance
  • MKT 301 Fundamentals of Marketing
  • MKT 431 Marketing Research
  • OSM 442 Innovation Management

Students should contact businessadvising@csuohio.edu to have the Entrepreneurship Minor added to their academic plan and identify their elective.

Undergraduate Programs and Student Services
1860 E. 18th Street
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-3729

MBA and Graduate Programs
1860 E. 18th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-3730
