
Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Certificate


Identifying and mitigating risks, achieving strategic goals, implementing best practices, providing assurance, increasing efficiency and effectiveness and understanding business processes from start to finish are just a few of the in-demand skills sought after by employers today.

Internal auditing expertise provides immense value to organizations and often serves as a pathway to management. Individuals employed in areas of internal auditing benefit from forming relationships across an organization and having visibility on business processes from start to finish.

Curriculum Overview:

The program consists of four courses in addition to pre-requisite courses.

Pre-requisite Courses:
  • ACT 501
  • OSM 503
Required Courses:
  • ACT 555 Internal Auditing
  • ACT 565 Fraud Examination
Elective Courses:
  • ACT 553 Information Systems Auditing
  • ACT 575 Accounting Analytics
  • ACT 632 Governance, Risk and Compliance
  • ACT 690 Professional Internship*
  • IST   675 IT Governance

*With departmental approval.

For more information please connect with the Accounting Department:
BY PHONE: 216.687.4720
Or Business Advising:
By Phone: 216.687.3729
By Email:

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