Guidelines to File a College of Business Petition

  • The College of Business Undergraduate Academic Petition is now an online application process only – no paper petition will be accepted.
  • Submission of any petition does not constitute a guarantee of approval.
  • Applicants/Students are responsible for ensuring that your academic standing and progress are maintained at levels deemed acceptable by university and college standards.

Guidelines to File a College of Business Undergraduate Academic Petition

We strongly advise the applicant/student to review the below information prior to filing and submitting a College of Business Undergraduate Academic Petition.

Provide a Student Rationale for a Petition Request:
  • The student must provide a narrative statement (typed) explaining the rationale for the petition request.
  • This narrative statement must be typed directly into the online application for each specific Business Undergraduate Academic Petition.
  • Please use spell check prior to placing the statement into the online application box.
If you are a Student Requesting a Late Withdrawal:
  • Please identify if requesting a Complete or Selective Withdrawal:
    • A complete withdrawal is a request for withdrawal from all courses for a specific semester.
    • A selective withdrawal is a request to withdraw from a specific course or courses within a semester, but not all courses in which student is enrolled.
  • The student may request a late withdrawal from all or some of your classes from either the current term (if the drop date has passed) or from previous terms.
  • Requests for late withdrawal must be accompanied by independent documentation from a doctor or medical professional, employer, attorney or other disinterested third party. 
  • Petitions involving past courses must be filed no later than one calendar year from the month the course ended unless extraordinary circumstances, which must be fully documented, made meeting this deadline impossible. 
  • Requests for selective withdrawal (rather than withdrawal from all courses in a semester) must include a description of the special circumstances which justify the request (eg: why it was possible to complete one course and not others during a semester).
  • When referring to a course in the petition for a late withdrawal or late add, the application must include the academic semester, the course number, course title and name of course instructor. 
If You Are a Student Who Would Like an Extension of an Incomplete or “X” grade:
  • A student may request an extension of an Incomplete or "X" grade provided that circumstances beyond the student's control prevent the student from completing the course by the deadline.
  • The petition request should include independent documentation and a proposed new date for completion of the course work needed.
  • The student's instructor must concur with the student's request and indicate that the date for completion is acceptable.
  • Petitions submitted without a date for completion and instructor comments will be returned.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the instructor’s comments.
  • If a student is petitioning for an extension of the deadline associated with reconciling a previous grade of “Incomplete,” a statement from the course instructor must accompany the request.
Business Petition Supportive Documentation: 
  • All applicants/students can provide independent supporting documentation from individuals not associated with Cleveland State University in order to support a Business Academic Petition Application.
  • Independent supportive documents can be of medical, legal or work-related documents and these documents (letter, memo, email or photo) should clearly address how the information listed in the supportive document supports a Business Academic Petition Application.
  • All documents of support from professional references/independent supportive documents must be signed and submitted on company or organization letterhead. All independent supportive documents related to a petition should be uploaded to the "Business Petition Supportive Document" file upload area on the Online Application.
  • All supportive documentation from any Cleveland State University professional (professor/instructor, dean, chair or academic advisor) should be sent via email to the Monte Ahuja College of Business, Undergraduate Academic Petition email address: 
  • The applicant's CSU ID number should be listed on all Business Petition Supportive Documentation.
​If You Are a Student with Financial Aid and Filing a Petition:
  • The Petition for Late Withdrawal refers only to the academic transcript, and does not release students from the financial obligations related to the course(s) listed within the Late Withdrawal petition.
  • Students are advised to speak with a representative at the CSU All-in-One Enrollment Services/Campus411 Office to determine if a course withdrawal would affect their current financial aid package and possible future financial aid package(s).
  • Please note that College of Business academic advisors cannot provide advice regarding CSU Financial Aid issues. Students filing a petition should seek knowledge regarding their own financial aid package and history from a representative from the CSU All-in-One Enrollment Services/Campus411 Office prior to filing any College of Business Undergraduate Academic Petition.

Visit the Online Application at College of Business Undergraduate Academic Petition

Because of privacy and confidentiality concerns, petition results cannot be given over the telephone. The Committee's decision will be mailed to you promptly.

Please note that submission of your petition does not constitute a guarantee of approval.

You are responsible for ensuring that your academic standing and progress are maintained at levels deemed acceptable by university and college standards.



Please email:

Undergraduate Programs and Student Services
1860 East 18th Street
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-3729

MBA and Graduate Programs
1860 East 18th Street
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-3730
