Business Professional Mentorship Program

Introduction to the Business Professional Mentorship Program

The Business Professional Mentorship Program is a program designed to bring current students, alumni and Greater Cleveland professionals together to share information concerning education, career goals and professionalism. Professionals are paired with existing students for the academic year and must interact for at least 30 minutes once a month. The interaction can be in person, by phone, e-mail, text or other electronic means of communication. Once a mentor-mentee pair has been introduced, it will be up to the pair to determine the level and frequency of interaction to sustain their mentoring relationship.

Key Features

  • Strong focus on participation of professionals and students from underrepresented groups
  • Ties to professional student organizations in the student's area of career interest
  • Support from the Ahuja Business Minority Society
  • Representation from Monte Ahuja College of Business alumni participating in the program
  • Shadowing Career Day - take your mentee to work for a full or half day

Expected Student Mentee Outcomes from Program

  • Provided support with major decisions concerning degree plan and career goals
  • Prepared for professional business society
  • Encouraged to seek help when needed concerning academic work
  • Helped develop a professional networking group
  • Increased visibility and connections to minority professionals within a career path

Get the Highlights from the Meet & Greet Kickoff Event

What is a Mentor?

According to the Merriam-Webster’s Learners Dictionary, to mentor is “to teach or give advice or guidance to someone, such as a less experienced person”. In other words, a mentor is an experienced and trusted professional who offers a student the opportunity to enhance their learning experience in the world outside of the College of Business. The process of mentoring allows the mentee to build knowledge, skills and abilities while attaining goals for career development. In turn, the process allows the mentor to enhance his or her own skills, proficiency and expertise by sharing in the development of a future professional.

For More Information: email us at

Undergraduate Programs and Student Services
1860 East 18th Street
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-3729

MBA and Graduate Programs
1860 East 18th Street
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-3730
