About the College of Business
Mailing Address
Monte Ahuja College of Business, Dean's Office
2121 Euclid Avenue, BU 420
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.3786
Faculty + Staff Directory
Last Name | First Name | RM # | DEPARTMENT | EMAIL ADDRESS |
Dept of Accounting | 512 | Accounting | accountingdept@csuohio.edu | |
Accounting Tutoring | 514 | Accounting | accountingdept@csuohio.edu | |
Adjunct Office | 421 | |||
Ahmed | Hassan | 350 | Information Systems | h.a.ahmed@csuohio.edu |
Ataseven | Cigdem | 543 | Operations & Supply Chain Management | c.ataseven@csuohio.edu |
Bakke | Sharen | 333 | Information Systems | s.bakke@csuohio.edu |
Baran | Benjamin | 443 | Management | b.e.baran@csuohio.edu |
Brockhaus | Sebastian | 547 | Operations & Supply Chain Management | s.brockhaus@csuohio.edu |
Buchinsky | Lynn | 308 | Centers for Outreach and Engagement & Center for Innovation and Entreprenurship | l.buchinsky@csuohio.edu |
Campbell | Brigid | 346 | Information Systems | b.campbell@csuohio.edu |
Celiker | Umut | 318 | Finance | u.celiker@csuohio.edu |
Chang | Myong-Hun | 526 | Economics | m.chang@csuohio.edu |
Chen | Jen-Yi (Jay) | 545 | Operations & Supply Chain Management | j.chen27@csuohio.edu |
Cheng | Wei-Hung (Wayne) | 342 | Information Systems | w.h.cheng@csuohio.edu |
Choi | Jungsil (David) | 447 | Marketing | j.choi59@csuohio.edu |
Chung | Moonwon | 544 | Operations & Supply Chain Management | m.chung74@csuohio.edu |
Delgado | David | 212 | SBDC | d.delgado85@csuohio.edu |
Deng | Ping | 434 | Management | p.deng@csuohio.edu |
Department of Management, Tracy Porter | 433 | Management | t.h.porter@csuohio.edu | |
Dixit | Ashutosh | 458 | Marketing | a.dixit1@csuohio.edu |
Finance Department, Wei Wang | 321 | Finance | w.wang24@csuohio.edu | |
Foltin | Craig | 522 | Accounting | l.foltin@csuohio.edu |
Galindo Gil | Hamilton | 324 | Finance | h.galindogil@csuohio.edu |
Gallagher | Kevin | 423 | Management | k.gallagher96@csuohio.edu |
Gallagher | Vickie | 425 | Management | v.c.gallagher@csuohio.edu |
Ghosh | Amit | 455 | Marketing | a.ghosh@csuohio.edu |
Gillan-Shafron | Kim | 405 | Marketing Manager | k.gillan@csuohio.edu |
Gross | Andy | 505 | Marketing | a.gross@csuohio.edu |
Grossman | Aycan | 533 | Economics | a.koksal@csuohio.edu |
Hao Ku | Chih | 340 | Information Systems | c.ku17@csuohio.edu |
Hart | Colette | 308 | Centers for Outreach and Engagement & Center for Innovation and Entreprenurship | c.hart@csuohio.edu |
Heath | Michele | 430 | Management | m.heath@csuohio.edu |
Henry | Raymond (Ray) | 420 | College of Business, Dean's Office | r.henry22@csuohio.edu |
Ho | Amanda | 328 | Centers for Outreach and Engagement & Center for Innovation and Entreprenurship | |
Hoffman | Benjamin | 525 | Accounting | b.w.hoffman14@csuohio.edu |
Holtzblatt | Mark | 508 | Accounting | m.holtzblatt@csuohio.edu |
IS Department, Tim Arndt | 344 | Information Systems | information_systems@csuohio.edu | |
Isakin | Maksim | 530 | Economics | m.isakin@csuohio.edu |
Jayanti | Rama | 456 | Marketing | r.jayanti@csuohio.edu |
Jia | Weishi | 515 | Accounting | w.jia1@csuohio.edu |
Kahler | James | 444 | Management | j.kahler@csuohio.edu |
Keller | John | 420 | College of Business, Dean's Office | j.p.keller@csuohio.edu |
Kirk | Steve | 329 | College of Business, Dean's Office | s.f.kirk@csuohio.edu |
Klee | Roger | 316 | Finance | r.klee@csuohio.edu |
Lee | Paul | 521 | Accounting | p.j.lee@csuohio.edu |
Lopes Gerum | Pedro Cesar | 537 | Operations and Supply Chain Manageme | p.lopesgerum@csuohio.edu |
Lu | Shuya | 446 | Marketing | s.lu27@csuohio.edu |
Marketing Department | 460 | Marketing | marketing@csuohio.edu | |
McClain | Bruce | 523 | Accounting | b.mcclain@csuohio.edu |
McElroy | Charles | 334 | Information Systems | c.p.mcelroy@csuohio.edu |
Meier | Heidi | 420 | College of Business, Dean's Office | h.meier@csuohio.edu |
Mills | Paul | 448 | Marketing | p.mills@csuohio.edu |
Molina | Richard | 524 | Accounting | r.molina36@csuohio.edu |
Ngo | Robert | 529 | RobEconomics | p.ngo@csuohio.edu |
Office of the Dean | 420 | College of Business, Dean's Office | ||
OSM Department, Jen-yi (Jay) Chen | 539 | Operations and Supply Chain Management | osm@csuohio.edu | |
OSM Tutoring | 538 | Operations and Supply Chain Management | osmtutor@csuohio.edu | |
Paoletta | Toni | 466 | Marketing | t.paoletta@csuohio.edu |
Park | Jieun | 450 | Marketing | j.park16@csuohio.edu |
Patil | Ashutosh (Ash) | 452 | Marketing, Chair | a.r.patil63@csuohio.edu |
Paul | Howard | 332 | Information Systems | h.pu@csuohio.edu |
Peck | Jessica | Management | j.a.peck37@csuohio.edu | |
Porter | Tracy | 428 | Management | t.h.porter@csuohio.edu |
Raimer | Russell | 317 | Finance | r.raimer@csuohio.edu |
Rickett | Laura | 527 | Accounting | l.rickett@csuohio.edu |
Robberts | Theunis (Christo) | 542 | Operations and Supply Chain Management | t.robberts@csuohio.edu |
Robertson | Dean | 437 | Management | d.m.robertson@csuohio.edu |
Roncagli | Francis | 323 | Finance | f.roncagli@csuohio.edu |
Rozen | Etzmun | 519 | Accounting | e.rozen@csuohio.edu |
Ru | Jun | 546 | Operations and Supply Chain Management | j.ru@csuohio.edu |
Rubin | Eran | 339 | Information Systems | e.rubin88@csuohio.edu |
Ruggeri | Kimberly | 457 | Marketing | k.ruggeri@csuohio.edu |
Schell-Barber | Leah | 462 | Marketing | |
Schmiedicker | Alan | 435 | Management | a.schmiedicker@csuohio.edu |
Shen | Yinjie (Victor) | 336 | Finance | y.shen61@csuohio.edu |
Sikder | Iftikhar | 337 | Information Systems | i.sikder@csuohio.edu |
Smith | Deborah | 516 | Accounting | d.l.smith11@csuohio.edu |
Soliman | Moataz | 341 | Information Systems | m.soliman@csuohio.edu |
Storrud-Barnes | Susan | 424 | Management | s.f.barnes@csuohio.edu |
Student Services/Advising | 219 | businessadvising@csuohio.edu | ||
Student Study Lounge | 550 | |||
Sukhoy | Alexsandra (Alex) | 463 | Marketing | a.sukhoy@csuohio.edu |
Topor | David | 441 | Management | d.topor@csuohio.edu |
Tutoring (Economics & Finance) | 426 | Economics & Finance | econ.tutor@csuohio.edu | |
Valcea | Sorin | 442 | Management | s.valcea@csuohio.edu |
Van Dyke | Katie | 216 | SBDC | k.vandyke@csuohio.edu |
Vander Weerdt | Candice | 438 | Management | c.vanderweerdt@csuohio.edu |
Wang | Wei | 319 | Finance | w.wang24@csuohio.edu |
Wang | Shuai (Amy) | 325 | Finance | s.wang51@csuohio.edu |
Ward | Nathaniel | 331 | College of Business, Dean's Office | n.t.ward54@csuohio.edu |
Wynn | Dreyon | 429 | Management | d.o.wynn@csuohio.edu |
Yetmar | Scott | 528 | Accounting | s.yetmar@csuohio.edu |
Zardoost | Vahid | 348 | Information Systems | v.zardoost@csuohio.edu |
Zeinalpour | Alireza | 349 | Information Systems | a.zeinalpour@csuohio.edu |
Zhou | Haigang | 322 | Finance | h.zhou16@csuohio.edu |
Zhu | Fengxia | 451 | Marketing | f.zhu@csuohio.edu |
Mailing Address
Monte Ahuja College of Business, Dean's Office
2121 Euclid Avenue, BU 420
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.3786